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Ancient Battles: Successors

Main Game Image

Ancient Battle: Successors is the latest edition to the Ancient Battle series for iPhone and iPad. Alexander the Great died on 13 June 323 B.C., leaving no heir.  Perhaps foreseeing the many great conflicts that would follow his demise, he left the Macedonian Kingdom 'To the best man'.  These lands, spanning most of the known world, were divided between his former generals, who saw themselves as rightful Successors (or 'Diadochi') to the Kingdom. The Successors plunged into a maelstrom of epic conflict as they fought for power and glory.  Now you have the opportunity to reign supreme over your rivals, if you can first defeat them on the battlefield. Use units such as Greek Pikemen, Macedonian Pikemen, Spearmen, Archers, Indian Elephants, Chariots, Cavalry, and Javelinmen to engage in some of the largest battles of the ancient world.

Key Game Features:
  • High Definition Ancient Era Graphics.
  • 7 Mission Tutorial Campaign.
  • 8 Mission 'Wars of the Successors' Campaign.
  • 5 Mission 'Pyrrhic War' Campaign.
  • 5 Mission 'Ascent of Rome' Campaign.
  • All missions, except the tutorial, can be played as both sides.
  • Over 50 Unique Ancient Units.
  • Detailed Combat Analysis
  • Flank Attacks
  • Strategic Movement.
  • Hours of Gameplay.
  • Map Zoom.
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Where To Buy
Apple Mac App Store
Apple App Store
Google Play


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'HexWar' and 'Hex War' are registered trademarks and are the property of HexWar Ltd., Fortrose, UK.
Many documents and images are produced under license from Decision Games LLC, Bakersfield, USA.