Movement & Events
Every Faction has a deck of cards consisting of Event cards, Movement cards, and one Truce card. Every turn, each faction will play a movement card to maneuver their troops and any number of event cards. When both factions of a side (British or American) have played their truce cards, the game will end! Each deck has a specific number of movement cards in it and managing them is an important part of the game.
Each faction has a Truce card which serves not only as a timer for the game but as a powerful Movement card. However, a game may end prematurely if both factions of a side are forced to play it early in the game.
Each faction, including Allies has their own faction combat dice. For each 'Hit' symbol, the opposing faction loses one unit. For each 'Flee' result you lose one of your units to the Fled Units box where it will return later as reinforcements. For each blank face rolled the player has a 'Command Decision' and may use that to retreat a unit in the battle to an adjacent area.
All faction units participate in a battle whether it is their turn or not! Each faction has different faces to their dice. Some factions are more likely to flee from battle to regroup later on. Other factions are more likely to score a hit or a command decision. American Continental Army are much less likely to flee, an have a higher hit percentage, but only have two dice per battle round. British Regulars have no flee results and hit on a high percentage, but will have no fleeing units added to their reinforcements each turn. Both sides Militia have three dice but higher fled results. Knowing your unit's strengths and weaknesses is key to victory!
Battle across the Colonies with large armies or small. So long as each army group contains a unit of your faction, you may move units of your partner faction as well as Allied units with you from area to area. In a four player game, each faction must form a common strategy with their partner to maximize potential!