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Drive on Moscow

The Battle for Moscow, October-December 1941

Screenshot of a game of Drive On Moscow in progress.

Drive on Moscow low-to-intermediate complexity, strategic-level simulation of the final German attempt to capture the capital city of the Soviet Union late in 1941. The German player is generally on the offensive, attempting to win the game by isolating or capturing the city of Moscow, or by seizing all the other key cities on map. The Soviet player is primarily on the defensive, but the situation sometimes also requires that he prosecute counterattacks.

Game play encompasses the period that began with the Germans launching their offensive on 1 October 1941, and ends on 7 December of the same year. By that time it had become clear the invaders had shot their bolt without achieving their objective.

Game Details
Number of Hexes: 1,800
Number of Units: 343
Number of Game Turns: 9

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